Friday, November 13, 2009


Whew, well that took much longer than expected...but i finally got the results i was looking for. I based this animation off of an informational standpoint. My idea was that when ever any two entities interact with one another, a certain amount and type of information is always exchanged between the two. So the animation i made is a kind of representation of that interaction.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

blog posts (11/2/09 - 11/8/09)

Black Hole Animation

1. I love every inch of this picture. It's my background for my computer now even. It's look, placement, coloring, mood...I find every bit of it to be mesmerizing. I want to know why she's shooting and who's she shooting. This is one of the few illustrations that really make me want to know more.

2. Whoops. Forgot to flip it right side up. Anyway, this is the first thing I've really drawn on paper almost all semester! I figured i needed a break from the digital pad. Call me traditional but there really isn't anything like the feel for a pen or pencil directly on paper. So as I hope you can tell, this drawing is a little more detailed than my previous drawings. Not much to say about it...still trying to get a better grasp on character sketching. One day!!

3. I thought this was a cool animation. We've seen a few videos this week having to do with animation and music, so i thought this video would be appropriate.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

3ds Max


Sunday, October 25, 2009

This is just genius -Blog Post #3- (10/19/09 - 10/25/09)

Ahhhh now i think everyone's been caught in that situation where they're in need of some form of cd case. i have. numerous times. and it sucks when you can't find one because giving your friend the disc you just burned him without a case is simply rude. so this is a video i think everyone can benefit from.
Easy Cd Case ....NO Glue .... For Everybody.... - The top video clips of the week are here

Zombbieees -Blog Post #2- (10/19/09 - 10/25/09)

I've fallen in love with all the recent zombie madness going around the internet, movies, games...all of it. So whenever i find stuff like this i can't help but smile and hope for the next zombie apocalypse to roll around.

You just punched all the blood out of me -Blog Post #1- (10/19/09 - 10/25/09)

Hah, now heres something im proud of. This may be one of my more adventurous drawings...i still have yet to decide what he's hitting. Maybe its that god awful bunny i drew last week :P

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Stupid Happy -Blog Post 3- (10/12/09 - 10/18/09) real comment for this drawing. I been drawing some rather morbid stuff lately, so i wanted to create a stress free, jolly picture. I don't know why it's a rabbit...i suppose that's just how I picture joy would be if it were a creature. A joyous little rabbit. And i just bought a new longboard, so i suppose it's also a representation of my mood too. Enjoy.